Building MVPs and Big Decisions

Building MVPs and Big Decisions

My journey and maybe a few things you can learn from it

I've been building software for most of my life at this point. That's funny to say but I'm over 40 and I started well before I turned 20. There is nothing else I've been doing for longer than this, and it's not looking like that'll be the changing anytime soon.

As entrepreneurs, we all need to build some minimum viable products to test out business hypotheses from time to time. Hey maybe as consultants we may need to do it for our customers. Needless to say, there are tons of decisions and they change all the time. Here are a few I've had to make lately this past 12 months that could help someone next year as they pursue their MVP buildouts.

I'll be using Generative AI to make backgrounds for each post, let me know what you think!